Our roots date back to 1952.

Paavo Nuoranne founded the company with his sons, Veikko and Antti, in 1952 and since then the company has been owned by the Nuoranne family. Originally the sawmill produced both pine and spruce, but the production was always heavy to spruce and in 1996 it was decided to concentrate on spruce only. During our 70 year history, the company has employed over 500 people, and in the early years many people were employed in the procurement of raw material as well as in the sawmill. These days, we employ 15 people.

In 1974, G.A. Serlachius Oy started its own wood procurement department and became a big log supplier for Multian Saha. From 1986 until 2004, Metsäliitto was our sole log supplier and since then a combination of UPM and local forestry associations have handled our supplies.

Sawmill development and investment

The sawmill operated with a single frame saw until it was renovated in 1963 when a second frame saw and edging saw were added. The next major investments were the construction of a log sorter in 1970 and kilns in 1973.

On the 1st of May 1978, the sawmill became a limited partnership. At the time the company’s CEO was Veikko Nuoranne and the director in charge of production was his son, Hannu Nuoranne. Hannu has now inherited the postion of Chairman of the Board and his son, Heikki, the 3rd generation of the Nuoranne family, is managing director.

The sawmill was thoroughly renovated in the 1990s when the old frame saw line was replaced with a Veisto HewSaw R200 line and the sticking plant and by-product handling systems were also renewed. The new production line was completed in the spring of 1992 and the combination of the new sawing line and our existing circular and field saws gave us new flexible production possibilities.

The next construction projects were a 36 bin log sorting line and a new higher capacity de-barking machine that enabled us to keep up with the saw line production. At the time, our drying capacity was 20,000m3 per year, this was increased by 5,100m3 with the addition of progressive kilns in 1996 and 1998. A total of FIM 25 million (EUR 4.2 million) was invested in the sawmill in the 1990s.

At the end of October 2000, a fire threatened the sawmill, burning an old sorting building. Fortunately, the wind was in the right direction and the fire didn’t spread to other buildings. 2000 also saw Multian Saha and the municipality of Multia co-operate to form a separate company, Multian Kaukolampö Oy, and build a heat generating plant in the sawmill area using sawmill by-products such as bark, sawdust and chips to generate heat. 40% of the heat goes to the Multia community and the rest to the sawmill’s kilns.


We currently produce live and small knotted spruce products in a range of sizes to suit our customers. This type of product requires special care from our team.

The sawmill uses about 120,000m3 of logs a year which are sourced within a 70 kilometre radius from Multia. From this raw material, we produce about 50,000m3 of high quality sawn timber annually. Every day 18 – 20 trucks arrive and leave the sawmill, bringing in logs and transporting finished sawn timber to customers and taking by-products for further processing.